Tuesday 6 October 2009

How have you changed since you started highschool?

I have changed, as I think I have matured greatly when it comes to being a more diligent. I honestly think that my responsibility towards being a good student and working well has greatly improved. Because I have grown older in mentality I have started to realize various aspects of life and realized that I have to work hard in school to be a successful student. Aside from becoming more responsible I have also because more intellectually developed. I think my development since entering high school has been positive as I am successful in academics as well as other activities.

Sunday 4 October 2009

What is the difference between a dynamic character and a static character?

A dynamic character is a character that changes a lot in a story, while a static character is a character that stays the same throughout the book. A good example of a dynamic character is usually a pubescent growing teen who is young and immature and the start of a novel, but then experiences many important events that shape his life making a more mature and wise person. Another stereotype example for a static character is and old character in a book that is mean in nature and hasn't learn t as a child to overcame this negative trait, resulting in unchanged behavior and personality as an adult.

Thursday 1 October 2009

Describe your favorite cultural celebration? Who was there? Use your five senses to describe the celebration?

Being a Roman Catholic my favorite cultural celebration is probably Christmas. Every year for Christmas I go to my grandparents house in India, where I meet all my relatives and have a big Christmas lunch. Roasted Chicken, Potatoes, Salad, Curries, Bread, Rice, and Plenty of meat is served. We then open open our Christmas presents and have fun with them. We then sing Christmas carols and enjoy the rest of the day. All my cousins, uncles, aunts, siblings, grandparents and family are there, to make it even more memorable. The celebration is always good. The food is probably one of the highlights as it is prepared by my grandmother, aunts and uncles, which really tastes awesome. My surroundings are good as I surrounding by the carols of Christmas, which is a real treat to hear for the ear. Aside from all the amazing food, the presents are also really good. I get books, and different accessories which are really amazing to have. Also the atmosphere of these Christmas celebrations are really, relaxed, fun, and cheerful.

Sunday 27 September 2009

How can one (you) adjust to a new culture while being loyal to your native culture?

Well I honestly would think it would be very difficult for someone to adjust to a brand new culture while preserving their own native culture. It is often very difficult because when taking decisions or making choices you always look through you own native cultural perspective which makes it very hard for a husband or a wife to get along. I think that it would take someone really great to preserve their own native culture as well as a new culture because it will be really hard.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

What is your cultural identity, nationality, cultural background religious or spiritual beliefs?

Culturally, I have a very western influence as I am Catholic. Sometimes I feel like I am left out of Indian cultural events being a Catholic, and representing a minority of India. India has a very Hindu culture and that is why I often feel secluded from Indian gatherings. However bad this may feel, I still feel very proud to be an Indian. I was born a Catholic and I have only recently started to fully believe in the religion. My ancestors were pure Indians who at some point converted to Catholicism when the British had colonized India. In conclusion I would like to say that I am a modern, liberal Indian in terms of culture, belief and views and different issues.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

What is your greatest hope for the future?

Probably my greatest hope for the future is that I get into a good university, which will enable me to get a good stable well paid job. In order to achieve this goal, you need to have a lot of hope an put in a lot of handwork as well. My future as a person will all depend on my success which is going to be primarily based on hard work. This is why probably, my greatest hope in life is to succeed and get into a good university, resulting in getting a good job, which will guarantee economic stability to my family if i ever get a chance to start one. This is why i believe my greatest hope in life is to do well and hope to get into a good university.

Saturday 19 September 2009

How has the tragedy affected Rose?

Rose is greatly affected by the tragedy of losing her brother Bing. Having been responsible for looking after her three brothers, Rose feels soely responsible for losing her brother. She had to babysit all three of her brothers, when one of her brothers, Bing wandered of and drowned into the sea. She had to pay attention to the other brothers and when see turned around Bing was gone. This tragedy has greatly affected her because she stoped believing in faith, but instead started beleiving in fate. Once Bing disappeared she lost all faith in finiding him, because she believed that it was his fate to have died. She knew instantly that once he had disappeared, that was pretty much it. This is how such a big tragedy, has made Rose lose a belief in fate, and rather believe in fate. She has also lost alot of confidence as a person, as she blames herself for the death of Bing.

Sunday 13 September 2009

How does divorce affect children?

Divorce has a huge impact on the lives of children even though it might not be that recognized widely around the world. Divorce is more common among western cultures, and this results in the children in the west getting more effected when it comes to divorce. Divorce has a negative impact on the lives of children. Children often feel insecure or lack advice that is neccessry from either a father or a mother. For example: their is information about puberty that only moms or dads can tell their sons or daughters. Children also dont get a full family experience which all students should have. They shoudnlt suffer for the disagreements with their parents. In conclusion divorce affects the lives of children in a negative way because it makes them feel insecure and lack necessary information they need from adults.

Why do teenagers run away? What can you do to help them?

Teenagers often run away because they either are harassed, abused, or simply want their own lives, one without their families. It is often a hard choice for a teenager to make, but they might do it to accomplish a dream that their parents don't support, or they are not comfortable at home, because they are abused. In my opinion teenagers have the right to do what they want once they turn 18, its just that they need advice before doing something.

My advice to a troubled teenager is that, the first and probably best thing to do is to ask yourself, Is it really worth running away? Often when teens reflect on this they tend to stay at home. Another piece of advice is that the best thing for a teenager to do is to work things out with the family your running from because, they are the people in the world who are the only ones that have unconditional love for you. The world is cruel out their, and unless you have support, think twice before running away. Of course its a whole new case if your dad is an rapist, or you mom is a drunkard, because then you cant go back home. The best thing to do is contact teenage support NGO's or centers, that will feed you and give you a bed to sleep on. If not then contact child services or other relatives that you know wont take advantage of you, but will rather welcome you with kind hands. Take this advice and running away from your home wont be such a hard task after all.

Monday 7 September 2009

Cirque Du Freak: The Living Nightmare (Character Analysis)

Character Analysis
Title: Cirque du Freak: A living nightmare
By Nilay Rego 10-1
Character: Darren Shan
Introduction: Darren Shan is not only the main character of this book, but is also the author. He is professionally known as Darren Shan but his real name is, Darren O'Shaughnessy. He is an Irish writer and grew up during his childhood watching lots of vampire and Dracula stories, giving him motivation to write this book.

Character Traits: Darren Shan is quite a unique smart 14th year old boy. He has this crazy obsession with spiders. He is quite smart for his age. Darren Shan is a very curious young pubescent boy who seeks for an adventure. He is outgoing and is extremely good at sports. He is a kind and good-hearted boy. He cares for his friends and always has their back. His curiousness often leads him into trouble. In the book, his temptation and curiousness to get Mr.Crepsley’s spider, Madame Octa leads him into a lot of trouble. Madame Octa bites his best friend Steve, putting him in a coma. Darren has to make a life changing decision by becoming a vampire and abandoning his family and everyone he has known in order to get the anecdote from Mr.Crepsley to cure Steve. This curious trait that Darren has is exemplified in the story as I have explained which basically forms the basis of the plot.

Book Quotations:
“I thought it over. I wanted to say no, run away, and never return. But if I did, Steve would die. Was he worth such a deal? Did I feel guilty enough to offer my life for this? The answer was: Yes” This shows how much Darren cares for his friend Steve. He is given the choice to either flee and have his friend killed, or have everything taken from his life to become a vampire in exchange for the life of Steve. Of course knowing Darren, he chooses to help Steve and ruin the rest of his life.
“My English teacher, Mr.Dalton always gave me extra work to do, because he knew that I was smarter and more hardworking than the other students.” This shows how smart of a student Darren is. He is also quite smart for a fourteen year old as his teacher Mr. Dalton makes obvious.

Conclusion: In conclusion I would like to say that over the book Darren Shan has matured a lot. From a simple boy in the start of the book being responsible for winning soccer matches for his, to the end of the book where he makes a decision to become a vampire in order to save his friend Steve. The book was fun and so was the main character, “Darren Shan”, and I recommend that all people read the Cirque du Freak series.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Hey Ms. Jones!

Hi Ms. Margaret Jones,
I have successfully created my blog account. Thanks.

Nilay Rego